This small zawn can be seen some 500m north of the bridge that leads over to South Stack Island, beyond the cave of Thunderbird Zawn. It is approach from above and an exciting descent down grassy hillside to an easy slab. The Zawn lies to the left as you descend.
The Pipe Dragon E5 5c
The big corner left of Sea Witch.
A.Wainwright, S. Myles (on-sight)
A.Wainwright, S. Myles (on-sight)
Who Dares Whinge E5 6a/b
Climb Sea Witch past second peg to spike. Just right, climb directly above and continue directly to easier groove. Sustained. Move up leftwards more easily towards the corner before climbing up and right, following a groover to the top. The rock and the crux section is sound, the top groove less so.
Glenda Huxter (unseconded) (6.7.97)
Sea Witch 30m E6 6a
F*cking brilliant! A large rack of cams is advised. Start at the left hand side of the sea cave, below a corner. Climb the loose corner to a peg and move rightwards to another peg. Continue on hollow flakes to two more pegs. Hard moves up and right gain a short slab. Finish up the corrugations above.
S Haston, C Bull (29/8/1989)
F*cking brilliant! A large rack of cams is advised. Start at the left hand side of the sea cave, below a corner. Climb the loose corner to a peg and move rightwards to another peg. Continue on hollow flakes to two more pegs. Hard moves up and right gain a short slab. Finish up the corrugations above.
S Haston, C Bull (29/8/1989)